Graphic Design Portfolio - Kathlyn King

Directory Excellence Awards

Award-Winning Excellence

"We Don't Kill Trees"

We Don't Kill Trees

BC Ballers Jerseys

BC Ballers Jerseys Alternate version of the BC Ballers Jerseys

Phone Book Ads

Enchanting Gowns Bridal Boutique Blossom Landscaping & Handyman Service Eastside Asphalt

South Elementary School T-Shirts

The front of a white t-shirt with the text 'South Elementary School' printed towards the top. Below that is a cartoon tiger holding the hand of a tiger cub as they walk together. Beneath the image is more text reading 'Teaching Students, Training Youth, Loving Children The back of a white t-shirt with the text 'South Tigers Hear Us ROAR' printed on it, accompanied by a cartoon tiger roaring.

Ecco Lounge Lederhosen Koozies

Ecco Lounge Lederhosen Koozies

Magazine Cover

Full mockup showing both the front and back cover of a travel magazine.